Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Quebec Wheel Cont.

A bit more about the Quebec Wheel for you today.

I was wrong about what the label said.

There was a second label at one time but it's gone now. I wonder if this label is added considerably after construction or if it something placed there by the maker. It already has that "J8" on it, so this may be an addition. After taking photographs of the label in different light and playing around with different contrast and huge saturation, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot quite make out what it says.

The signature dose show up the clearest. It's written with a fountain pen, a well worn one if I am not gravely mistaken, which is in keeping with the information I have on it. Anyone want to have a guess at what this says?

I have a Kant essay that's been neglected lately, so I had best put the spinning aside for a day or so while I finish it up.

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